Ring Out the Old, Ring in the New: Data Transformation Podcasting

Robin Williams at Innovate IPM interviewed me a few weeks ago and has a new podcast up to cap off the year. The main thrust of our discussion, as it turned out, which began as a wide-ranging one, settled on digital transformation and the changes and developments that I’ve seen in this area over the last three decades.

I met Rob at a recent Projects Controls conference. He is a professional, curious, and engaging individual who quickly puts one at ease. We both found a lot in common regarding our perspectives on project management and project controls and I agreed to the podcast interview. Our discussion was no different than many that I’ve had with other professionals in my areas of interest in my own living room, and the discussion comes off as a similarly engaging and informal conversation between like-minded individuals.

Before he posted the podcast, I managed to get a preview. Despite years of doing interviews, hosting symposiums, an occasional emcee or radio spot, home movies, and other recordings, I still cannot get over the strange feeling of hearing my own voice during a long conversation. I am constantly looking for faults, and cringed with the utterance of each “ah” or “um” while listening to myself–returning in my head to the admonitions of my supervisors when I was taught to be a Navy instructor–though, thankfully, they are few.

Still, thanks to the magic of editing, Rob managed to keep the focus on the main point of the conversation when I strayed into some side discussion. During the time of the interview Rob caught me at a time when I was working on a paper to present to DoD professionals regarding digital transformation, and so the interview caught me in real-time while I was developing in my mind two main concepts that I picked up by reading the literature in the areas of establishing a Master Data Management (MDM) strategy, and a knowledge management environment. While I do not mention these items in the interview, the discussion allowed me to subsequently sort out where these concepts apply.

In any event, the podcast can be found here: https://www.innovateipm.com/podcast/episode/206e7fbd/13-history-of-digital-transformation-with-nick-pisano. I hope you find it interesting and informative.